How to Add keywords description for My blog using Mata data tag72

Ever wondered why some times your page shows up or get indexed early in google or any search engine. If you visit or ask to forums. They say we need to add meta data or meta tag which talks about your page or blog. After struggling from last six months with HTML and java script here are simple steps to follow to add meta data for your blog. Use meta tag for doing this.

This will definitely going to increase your (google) search engine traffic as in advance you are going to tell to search engine about your page or blog ie what it contains. If you see the top bloggers websites you could see the meta tag with description and keywords defined. Today I have defined it. Here is the usage.

Tips and Notes Note: The meta tag always goes inside the head element. Note: Metadata is always passed as name/value pairs. In HTML the meta tag has no end tag. In XHTML the meta tag must be properly closed.

Examples Define keywords for search engines:

meta name keywords" content="HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, XHTML, JavaScript, VBScript
Define a description of your web page

meta name "description" content="Free Web tutorials on HTML, CSS, XML, and XHTML"

Add ( < & /> in on the begining & end of the above link as blogger dont allow to save meta tags i have to use this way

Define the last revision of your page: meta name "revised" content="Hege Refsnes, 6/10/99"
Refresh page every 5 seconds: meta http-equiv"refresh" content="5"

Don't wait more add keywords and description for your blog now. Open go to edit html tab and insert meta data tag before head element; If your blog is indexed in google you have already added meta tag for google; add your keywords description right there. Check such notes at my scrapbook

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